
Thursday, 4 May 2017

Chocolate Lift - how to wrap up a larger Bar of Chocolate!

Hi everybody,

finally, i am back with some more makes! I was very busy with our lambing season just lately and have not had time to craft, which really was getting too bad now.
We have about 45 Soay sheep lambs and 6 of them need hand rearing for various reasons.. however, the one lamb that kept me so distracted is a cute little girl and she was found dangling head down off a wire fence with her foot caught in it.
Once she was freed it became clear she had suffered a nasty open leg fracture and needed immediate vet care.So we rushed the poor thing to the vets and she died on me on the way so i was resucitaing the lamb until we reached the vets where she eventually came round again.
She had her bones put back in place and her wound cleaned, then put a cast on.
So she is currently a case of 24/7 care and keeps us very busy.

However, i want to show you this clever packaging of a larger chocolate bar that twas originally the idea of a German lady, her name is Alexandra Grape.
However, her bar of chocolate and her design completely differ from my makes here, but she apparently got me on this track!

So i used card stock, making a sleeve for my chocolate bars and using a piece of ribbon that is wrapped around the bar and fed through the card stock in a way that if you pull the ribbon at the top upwards, the bar of cocolate will be lifted by the ribbon and slide out from the sleeve!
I think it´s a brilliant idea and i loved it so much that i made these today

The measurements of  my sleeves are:
7 7/8" x  6 1/2", and i scored it on the long side at 3 3/8", 3 3/4", 7 1/8" and 7 1/2"
i used my half inch punch to punch two holes through the front and back of the card stock where the ribbon would feed through.
I then glued the sleeve together, fed the ribbon through the holes and pushed the bar of chocolate down until fully covered.
I now tid the ribbon at the top of my sleeve as can be seen on the pics and decorated the front with colour coordinated panels and stamping.
I also punch out some flowers with the pansy punch and the decorative label punch to create a pretty tag.
The decorated panels were adhered with dimensionals to the front, covering up the hole for the ribbon.
If you fancya tutorial on these , let me know and i will happily make one.

Hope you love this idea as much a i do!
Have a good evening and thanks for dropping by

JoJo xx

The detailed video tutorial is to be found here:

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